2021-01-30, #Vaal ,ZA – Was #Turffontein

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring. There are none for here, still working on the program it is getting too confident, bordering on arrogance, but at the same time I don’t want to make it too timid that it hides its investments under a digital mattress.

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 6 Heavens Girl, 3 Timbavati River,
  2. 12 Ra’Ed, 7 Ace Of Spades
  3. 13 Sarsaparilla, 1 Dalgety Bay
  4. 8 Orus Apollo, 9 Twin Turbo
  5. 5 Fort Commander, 10 Governors Glory
  6. 5 Smoking Hot, 6 Fife
  7. 4 Pack Leader, 7 Whorly Whorly
  8. 9 Sparkling Water, 5 Christmas Flower
  9. 10 Got You, 4 Right Choice

The Standard Selections:

  1. 4 Warrior Captain, 1 Fisher King, 5 Gin And Tonic, 8 Savage Love, 3 Timbavati River, 6 Heavens Girl
  2. 1 Battle Force, 14 Ruby Woo, 2 West Coast Lover, 6 Pomegranate, 9 Jackhammer, 4 Military Quest
  3. 13 Sarsaparilla, 5 Bat Out Of Hell, 11 Magic Choice, 1 Dalgety Bay, 2 Petunia, 3 Naledi Basadi
  4. 1 Shadow Creek, 7 Double Martini, 2 Light Warrior, 9 Twin Turbo, 8 Orus Apollo, 4 Irish Rain
  5. 1 Nussply, 11 Irish Willow, 10 Governors Glory, 4 Moon Jumper, 7 Enigma Code, 8 Light Without
  6. 3 Lily Blue, 4 Pomander, 9 Plum Field, 5 Smoking Hot, 1 Factor Fifty, 6 Fife
  7. 7 Whorly Whorly, 5 Approach Control, 6 Golden Pheasant, 8 Cornish Pomodoro, 11 D’ Arrivee, 2 Youcanthurrylove
  8. 2 Destinys Game, 9 Sparkling Water, 8 Kay Tee Perry (arg), 4 Tahitian Orana, 3 Querari Ferrari, 5 Christmas Flower
  9. 6 Rosaprima, 7 Amber Light, 9 Belle Of Belize, 13 Woman Of Grace, 1 Bright Eyed Girl, 5 Electric Boots

2021-01-30, #Kenilworth ,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEES. I tweaked the confidence levels, still messing with the reward/risks for the program.

  1. 3 Danilo Danilovitch – P3 – 5.00
  2. 1 Starboard – Wi – 3.00
  3. 13 Grand Escape – P2 – 6.00
  4. 6 Captain Of Stealth – P2 – 5.00
  5. 2 Barzalona – Wi – 1.00
  6. 2 Rascallion – P2 – 5.00
  7. 11 Erik The Red – P4 – 6.00
  8. 10 Captain’s Ransom – P3 – 3.00
  9. 3 Belgarion – P3 – 8.00
  10. 7 Silver Host – P3 – 1.00
  11. 3 Viridian Light – P2 – 7.00
  12. 1 Tarantino – P2 – 3.00

Total Spent -> 53.00
Expected Return -> 100.17
Expected Profit -> 47.17

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 3 Danilo Danilovitch, 7 Seeking Peace
  2. 1 Starboard, 3 Swazi Queen
  3. 3 Wolf Man, 13 Grand Escape
  4. 3 Hudoo Magic (aus),6 Captain Of Stealth
  5. 2 Barzalona, 1 African Rain
  6. 2 Rascallion, 1 Kommetdieding
  7. 9 Celtic Sea, 11 Erik The Red
  8. 10 Captain’s Ransom, 11 Chat Ching
  9. 1 Rainbow Bridge, 3 Belgarion
  10. 2 Crome Yellow, 7 Silver Host
  11. 1 Social Butterfly, 3 Viridian Light
  12. 1 Tarantino, 2 Real Gone Kid (aus)

The Standard Selections:

  1. 3 Danilo Danilovitch, 7 Seeking Peace, 2 Callmemrgreenlight, 6 Impressive Queen, 4 Red Sole, 1 Arizona Sky
  2. 6 Golly Miss Molly, 1 Starboard, 4 Imperial Ballet, 5 Zeta Jones, 7 Time Off, 2 Daughter Of Zeus
  3. 3 Wolf Man, 13 Grand Escape, 4 Superior Leader, 2 Greenlightflash, 5 Churchhaven, 6 Dirty Martini
  4. 3 Hudoo Magic (aus), 9 Pinkerton, 6 Captain Of Stealth, 2 Fabian, 5 Snow Report, 7 Cabo Da Cruz (ire)
  5. 2 Barzalona, 1 African Rain, 4 High Hosanna, 7 Kwinta’s Light, 8 Rio Supremo, 3 Sheldon
  6. 2 Rascallion, 5 Red Lark, 13 Legitimate, 4 Hoedspruit, 12 Kaptein, 8 Northern Song
  7. 10 Run Fox Run (aus), 9 Celtic Sea, 5 Rio Querari, 11 Erik The Red, 1 Russet Air, 4 Ultra Magnus
  8. 10 Captain’s Ransom, 3 Pretty Young Thing, 1 Clouds Unfold, 7 Indi Anna, 4 Sing Out Loud, 9 Icon Princess
  9. 2 Do It Again, 3 Belgarion, 1 Rainbow Bridge, 9 Queen Supreme (ire), 11 Princess Calla, 4 Cirillo
  10. 3 Kampala Campari, 2 Crome Yellow, 4 Dharma, 1 Atyaab (aus), 7 Silver Host, 6 Moon In June
  11. 1 Social Butterfly, 5 Qaaraat, 3 Viridian Light, 9 Chilly Winter, 7 Miss Millstream, 11 Fours A Crowd
  12. 1 Tarantino, 2 Real Gone Kid (aus), 4 His Choice, 3 Bowie, 9 Fort Red, 6 In A Huff

2021-01-29, #Fairview ,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEES. The computer seems a bit more adventurous in its bets, but still seems conservative on the amount spent, I give it aR100.00 cap.

  1. 3 First Rain – P2 – 3.00
  2. 1 Global Drummer – Wi – 11.00
  3. 4 Toureiro – P3 – 1.00
  4. 1 Beethoven – P2 – 2.00
  5. 2 Gin Fizz – P2 – 9.00
  6. 4 Aranjuez – P2 – 3.00
  7. 1 Earth Hour – P2 – 7.00
  8. 5 Royal Shindig – P3 – 2.00

Total Spent -> 38.00
Expected Return -> 59.08
Expected Profit -> 21.08

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 1 Admiral’s Shine, 3 First Rain
  2. 1 Global Drummer, 6 Bloom
  3. 12 Paris Opera, 4 Toureiro
  4. 5 Celtillus, 1 Beethoven
  5. 2 Gin Fizz, 1 La Bella Mia
  6. 2 Africa’s Gold, 4 Aranjuez
  7. 2 Rock Aloe, 1 Earth Hour
  8. 5 Royal Shindig, 2 Take The World

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Admiral’s Shine, 4 South Sandwich, 6 Wylie Winx, 7 Zacpack Assassin, 3 First Rain, 5 Valkyries Song
  2. 6 Bloom, 1 Global Drummer, 3 Moon Game, 2 Tiger In The Sun, 4 Ancient Times, 5 Baltic Beat
  3. 1 Iron Henry, 4 Toureiro, 7 Kings Fort, 11 Electric Daisy, 5 Russian Knight, 2 Big In Texas
  4. 1 Beethoven, 7 Para Handy, 3 Torio Lake, 2 Ambra, 4 Forthelastime, 9 Evies First
  5. 2 Gin Fizz, 6 Travel In Style, 3 Racine, 4 Carioca, 7 Miss Honey, 1 La Bella Mia
  6. 4 Aranjuez, 2 Africa’s Gold, 6 Onesie, 5 Celestial Prince, 7 Fiery Fort, 1 Cedar Man
  7. 1 Earth Hour, 2 Rock Aloe, 4 American Landing, 3 Purple Diamond, 7 Bockscar, 5 Meraki (aus)
  8. 5 Royal Shindig, 1 King Of The Moment, 10 Cut Glass, 6 Highway Star, 11 Silvia Louise, 2 Take The World

2021-01-28, #Vaal ,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEES. As you can see the computer is very conservative as it builds up its confidence. It should take higher value/riskier options as its confidence grows.

  1. 4 Riccardo – P4 – 8.00 – Win
  2. 6 Miss Venezuela – P4 – 6.00 – Win
  3. 5 Castellano – P3 – 3.00 – Miss
  4. 9 Queen Bomi – P4 – 3.00 – Miss
  5. 6 African Adventure – P4 – 9.00 – Win
  6. 7 Vars Vicky – P3 – 12.00 – Win
  7. 4 Che Bella – P2 – 2.00 – Miss
  8. 2 Varina – P4 – 4.00 – Win

Total Spent -> 47.00
Expected Return -> 59.33
Expected Profit -> 12.33
Actual Profit -> – 1.57

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 5 Deanagelo – 3, 4 Riccardo – 2
  2. 6 Miss Venezuela – 3, 11 Asgoodasitgets
  3. 6 Flying Carpet – 1, 5 Castellano
  4. 4 Bebop, 9 Queen Bomi
  5. 7 Glider Pilot, 6 African Adventure – 3
  6. 7 Vars Vicky – 1, 5 Rock The Globe – 4
  7. 4 Che Bella, 1 Fly Away
  8. 2 Varina – 3, 5 Mind Reader – 2

The Standard Selections:

  1. 5 Deanagelo, 4 Riccardo, 6 Global Town, 1 Officer, 7 Barometer, 3 Curfew
  2. 7 Dancing Arabian, 6 Miss Venezuela, 1 Aflame, 2 Ginseng, 4 Oceans Pride, 8 Rose Willow
  3. 7 Wolffs World, 2 Herodotus, 4 Against The Grain, 3 Invisible, 6 Flying Carpet, 5 Castellano
  4. 4 Bebop, 1 Franklin, 6 Curvation, 3 Lady Amherst, 8 Netta, 9 Queen Bomi
  5. 2 Divine Odyssey, 5 Imperial Ruby, 1 Barahin, 3 Out Of Your League, 8 Chitengo, 6 African Adventure
  6. 7 Vars Vicky, 1 Rivonia Boulevard, 8 Your Pace Or Mine, 4 Nordic Rebel, 2 Kayla’s Champ, 3 In Cahoots
  7. 1 Fly Away, 7 Slalom Queen, 2 Before The Dawn, 4 Che Bella, 5 Winter Watch, 3 All Of Me
  8. 9 Samoa, 10 Showdown Kid, 5 Mind Reader, 1 Sweet Future, 2 Varina, 7 Madame Patrice

2021-01-27, #Greyville ,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEESYesterday’s loss was reflected in the computer’s lower confidence and lower betting amounts. I have reverted to selecting only the top 2 within the Monte Carlo risk analysis to stay in line with the selections and a bit more controllable.

  1. 2 What A Ryder – P3 – R5.00 – Miss
  2. 3 Global Appeal – P4 – R6.00 – Win
  3. 9 Policy Target – P4 – R10.00 – Win
  4. 10 Sacred Ibis – P4 – R10.00 – Win
  5. 9 Goodtime Guy – P4 – R5.00 – Win
  6. 4 Lady Legend – P4 – R1.00 – Win
  7. 3 Valiente – P4 – R4.00 – Disqualified
  8. 8 Umzinduzi – P4 – R3.00 – Win

Total Spent -> R45.00
Expected Return -> R68.76
Expected Profit -> R23.76
Actual Profit ->R10.38 = 21%

There are a lot of P4(Up to 4th place bets) above. Maybe I’ve made the program a bit too conservative?

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 3 Fists Of Fire – Scr, 2 What A Ryder
  2. 3 Global Appeal – 2, 9 Tivoli Gardens – 4
  3. 9 Policy Target – 1, 5 Zero Rate – 2
  4. 12 Shastina – 1, 10 Sacred Ibis – 3
  5. 9 Goodtime Guy – 1, 2 Master Tobe
  6. 4 Lady Legend – 4, 1 Simply Russian
  7. 3 Valiente – DQ, 5 Kings Road – 1
  8. 8 Umzinduzi – 1, 7 Arctic Princess – 2

The Standard Selections:

  1. 2 What A Ryder, 8 Story Book, 3 Fists Of Fire, 4 Flying Vision, 5 Dark Fate, 12 Decorated
  2. 3 Global Appeal, 10 Neverending Love, 11 Siberian Sunset, 8 Choo Ching Chow, 5 Badrah (aus), 4 My Big Vision
  3. 7 Golden Duck, 9 Policy Target, 6 Just Dixit, 5 Zero Rate, 8 Gloucestershire, 4 Alex Lingarri
  4. 7 Anmer Hall (aus), 8 Reckless Love, 12 Shastina, 5 Tango Time, 10 Sacred Ibis, 11 Fire Faerie
  5. 7 Gentleman’s Way, 8 Burning Wings, 3 Purple Powahouse, 11 Land Of Mystery, 6 Sovereign Soldier, 2 Master Tobe
  6. 12 Marsanne, 6 Maidens Prayer, 8 Song Of The Forest, 2 Eightfolds Lass, 4 Lady Legend, 10 Futuristic Dame
  7. 7 Impartial, 3 Valiente, 10 Hampton Court, 9 So Var, 2 Bernie’s Dream, 5 Kings Road
  8. 7 Arctic Princess, 5 Flaming Desire, 9 Royal View, 8 Umzinduzi, 1 Casadoro, 12 Cersei

2021-01-26, #Vaal ,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEESInstead of the top 2 as used previously, I’m now taking the best from the top quarter of runners for the race. As can be seen, the computer is also taking a more conservative approach. This is by no means and exhaustive list, assume 8 races; win, place 2, place 3, and place 4 from Hollywood, a bet ranging from 1 unit to 12 units(100/8 =approx 12), we effectively get over 848 possible combinations, so it is easier to run a Monte Carlo simulation. I run about 12000 simulations.

  1. 1 Rollwiththepunches – P3 – R6.00 – Miss
  2. 9 Alex The Great – P4 – R4.00 – Miss
  3. 6 Littlewood – P4 – R1.00 – Win
  4. 2 Pamushana’s Pride – P4 – R8.00 – Win
  5. 2 Sell High – P4 – R1.00 – Win
  6. 1 Romeo’s Magic – P4 – R11.00 – Miss
  7. 6 Stone Cold – P4 – R6.00 – Hit
  8. 13 Hottentot’s Holland – P3 – R4.00 – Miss

Total Spent -> R41.00
Expected Return -> R59.77
Expected Profit -> R18.77
Actual Profit ->R -17.99

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 2 Bella Chica – 2, 1 Rollwiththepunches
  2. 9 Alex The Great, 4 Mr Hugo
  3. 7 Ration My Passion (nz), 6 Littlewood – 1
  4. 2 Pamushana’s Pride – 1, 11 Plum Field
  5. 10 Just Kidding, 5 Nebraas
  6. 7 Un Deux Trois, 2 Kool Baikal
  7. 6 Stone Cold – 2, 9 Waqaas (aus)
  8. 8 Irrevocable Dream – 4, 9 Bravo One – 3

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Rollwiththepunches, 2 Bella Chica, 3 Naarah, 8 La Fille, 4 Big Five, 7 Cocoa Hill
  2. 4 Mr Hugo, 2 Informative, 9 Alex The Great, 5 Tiki Taka, 11 Snow In Seattle, 12 Afriel
  3. 10 Chevron, 6 Littlewood, 7 Ration My Passion (nz), 8 The Sash, 9 So Long Spring, 12 Ideal Man
  4. 11 Plum Field, 7 Zabarjad (aus), 6 Drummer Dude, 1 Afraad, 3 Sun Giant, 4 Rabia The Rebel
  5. 2 Sell High, 6 Stormy Winter, 4 Master Supreme, 7 White Lightning, 10 Just Kidding, 5 Nebraas
  6. 7 Un Deux Trois, 10 Turf Master, 8 Fly North, 1 Romeo’s Magic, 3 In The Game, 5 Walterthepenniless
  7. 10 Banha Bridge, 9 Waqaas (aus), 8 Shortstop, 1 Graduate, 11 Contrail, 3 River Jordan
  8. 5 One-oh-wonder, 13 Hottentots Holland, 11 Master Boulder, 9 Bravo One, 7 Heart Of A Legend, 10 Bartholomeus

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEESThe standard selections are lower. I’m still testing and experimenting with the risk/reward ratios, as well as the system’s confidence levels of its selections at the different venues. The amount spent vary based on the system’s reward/risk ratio capping at R100.00 per meeting. This will still take a bit of time as it’s learning going forward( too lazy to do back checking, I might still do it though…)

  1. 2 Al’s Lass – P4 – R8.00 – Win
  2. 2 Mesmerizing Moon – P2 – R5.00 – Win
  3. 2 Pacific Duke – P3 – R10.00 – Win
  4. 10 What A Thrill (aus) – P2 – R2.00 – Nil
  5. 6 Jaeger Moon – P2 – R8.00 – Win
  6. 5 Selailai – P2 – R12.00 – Nil
  7. 4 Lumiere – P2 – R8.00 – Win
  8. 10 All In Line – P3 – R1.00 – Win

Total Spent -> R54.00
Expected Return -> R92.25
Expected Profit -> R42.25
Actual Profit ->R 8.02

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 2 Al’s Lass – 3, 1 Autumn Sky – 1
  2. 2 Mesmerizing Moon – 2, 4 Victoria Tower – 3
  3. 2 Pacific Duke – 2, 8 Cape Batis – 3
  4. 10 What A Thrill (aus), 9 Upper Ten – 1
  5. 6 Jaeger Moon – 1, 5 Green Dragon – 4
  6. 5 Selailai, 6 Up Early – 2
  7. 4 Lumiere – 1, 1 Pluviofile – 3
  8. 10 All In Line – 3, 6 Eurostorm

The Standard Selections:

  1. 9 Gift Of Peace, 2 Al’s Lass, 10 Good Vibes, 11 Xtra Special, 1 Autumn Sky, 5 Red Rules
  2. 4 Victoria Tower, 1 Stage Dance, 2 Mesmerizing Moon, 5 Cider, 3 Off Pat, 6 Cinderelabeautiful
  3. 6 Chai, 7 Billi Ann, 2 Pacific Duke, 8 Cape Batis, 4 Global Kas, 3 Super Noir
  4. 4 Imperious Duke, 5 Market Day, 1 Ghalyoon, 10 What A Thrill (aus), 9 Upper Ten, 6 City Dancer
  5. 4 Dubula, 2 Philos, 3 Norfolk Pine, 1 Dawnbreaker, 6 Jaeger Moon, 5 Green Dragon
  6. 5 Selailai, 2 Exion, 9 La Duchesse, 7 Reach For The Line, 6 Up Early, 1 Let’s Blaze
  7. 4 Lumiere, 7 Natural Jade, 2 Latest Craze, 5 Deri, 8 Exaltation, 9 Golden Man
  8. 11 Western Oasis, 6 Eurostorm, 8 Mount Everest, 3 Cherry Pop, 4 Untamed Tiger, 2 Cloud Atlas

2021-01-24, #Scottsville,ZA

Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEESWe took a loss yesterday, but with us spreading our risk, not all was lost and we are able to continue. I am assuming that you are only taking 25% of you pool for each of these ventures where we select our “portfolio” for the day’s races. At the end of the day, the amount gained/lost gets added back into the pool for the next venture where once again we take 25% of the pool(I’m sticking to R100.00, it’s easier to calculate the actual amount for anyone using different amounts) . At this stage, the program is still in the learning stage where it is calculating the confidence on its bets at that particular venue.

  1. 5 Edgartown – P2 – R13.00
  2. 13 Hello Tomorrow – P3 – R1.00
  3. 13 The Kingdom – P2 – R1.00
  4. 11 Italian Dynasty – P4 – R1.00
  5. 12 African Sunrise – P4 – R14.00
  6. 10 Hard To Play – P2 – R32.00
  7. 4 Solar Flare – P3 – R38.00
  8. Nothing Selected

Total Spent -> R100.00
Expected Return -> R224.16
Expected Profit -> R124.16

The High Probability Selections:

  1. 2 Paris Rix, 5 Edgartown
  2. 13 Hello Tomorrow, 5 Star Act
  3. 13 The Kingdom, 11 Purple And Green
  4. 11 Italian Dynasty, 2 Mystery Boy
  5. 12 African Sunrise, 6 Karoo Lark
  6. 1 Good Rhythm, 10 Hard To Play
  7. 4 Solar Flare, Bella Bellarina
  8. 1 East Coast Star, 4 Tostada

The Standard Selections:

  1. 6 Crested Eagle, 4 Thusvir, 10 Royal Virtue, 1 Rainbow Spirit, 3 Gold Lining, 5 Edgartown
  2. 13 Hello Tomorrow, 7 English Princess, 14 I’m Ready, 6 Soweto Hall, 2 Wylie’s Lass, 12 Quenanza
  3. 2 El Torero, 9 Cupid’s Song, 3 Seventh Song, 13 The Kingdom, 7 Dracarys, 11 Purple And Green
  4. 9 August Red, 1 Navarino Bay, 7 Kinskey’s Tune, 6 Defies Logic, 3 Cool Answer, 11 Italian Dynasty
  5. 6 Karoo Lark, 12 African Sunrise, 10 Apache Too, 3 Peaceful Day, 1 Prospero, 5 Fight Song
  6. 4 Ziva La Winter, 10 Hard To Play, 7 Ishnana, 9 Sniper Shot, 1 Good Rhythm, 5 Pearl Of Asia
  7. 5 Mind Set, 11 Croisette, 8 Magicallee, 12 Calulo, 6 Seemyvision, 3 Sweetscentedgreen
  8. 4 Tostada, 1 East Coast Star, 11 Pearl Of Africa, 5 Soller, 6 Royal Couture, 9 Love Of London

2021-01-23, #Kenilworth ,ZA and 2021-01-23, #Turffontein ,ZA Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEESFor the purpose of this exercise, I am keeping the amounts at R100.00 so so cumulative profits/losses are incorporated. The daily selections are below these

2021-01-23, #Kenilworth ,ZA

  1. 4 Arendelle – P2 – R1.00
  2. 1 Captain Dizzy – P4 – R4.00
  3. 1 Mirage – P4 – R18.00
  4. 4 Forgetful Girl – Wi – R7.00
  5. 2 Silver Sabre – P4 – R2.00
  6. 7 Rosalie Runs – P3 – R31.00
  7. 2 Mister Vargus – P3 R35.00
  8. 6 What A Man – P2 – R1.00

Total Spent -> R99.00
Expected Return -> R149.61
Expected Profit -> R55.61

2021-01-23, #Turffontein ,ZA

  1. 3 Brand New Cadillac – P3 – R11.00
  2. 2 Bartholdi – P4 – R13.00
  3. 3 Crank It Up – P3 0 R15.00
  4. 1 Magical Flight – P3 – R12.00
  5. 2 Spring Break – P2 – R15.00
  6. 1 Double ‘o’ Eight – P4 – R18.00
  7. 7 Al Muthana (aus) – P4 – R14.00
  8. 7 Traveling Wilbury – P4 – R1.00
  9. 8 Liquid – P2 – R1.00

Total Spent -> R100.00
Expected Return -> R146.50
Expected Profit -> R46.50

The High Probability Selections.

2021-01-23, #Kenilworth ,ZA

  1. 8 Little Doe, 4 Arendelle
  2. 1 Captain Dizzy, 6 Mount Greylock
  3. 1 Mirage, 2 On Captain’s Side
  4. 4 Forgetful Girl, 3 Golightly
  5. 4 Major Attraction, 2 Silver Sabre
  6. 7 Rosalie Runs, 6 Bold Diva
  7. 2 Mister Vargus, 1 No Laying Up
  8. 1 Emperors Decree, 6 What A Man

2021-01-23, #Turffontein ,ZA

  1. 2 Captain Chorus, 3 Brand New Cadillac
  2. 4 Tight Five, 2 Bartholdi
  3. 3 Crank It Up, 2 Against The Grain
  4. 1 Magical Flight, 4 Swiss Bank
  5. 2 Spring Break, 1 Portico
  6. 1 Double ‘o’ Eight, 2 Battleoftrafalgar
  7. 1 Second Base, 7 Al Muthana (aus)
  8. 1 Pin Up, 7 Traveling Wilbury
  9. 5 The Contractor, 8 Liquid

The Standard Selections:

2021-01-23, #Kenilworth ,ZA

  1. 8 Little Doe, 4 Arendelle, 6 Chelsea River, 3 Regards To All, 1 Fly To Rio, 2 Casa Rosada
  2. 6 Mount Greylock, 3 Travel Master, 1 Captain Dizzy, 7 Piketberg Alley, 2 Bumrah, 9 West Coast Pirate (aus)
  3. 1 Mirage, 2 On Captain’s Side, 6 Iris, 3 Durty Nelly, 5 Aye Aye, 4 Caribbean Sunset
  4. 4 Forgetful Girl, 3 Golightly, 5 Rosie Roan, 1 Norvalspont, 6 Princess Of Winter, 2 Val Gardena
  5. 2 Silver Sabre, 5 So Flawless, 4 Major Attraction, 1 Kathleen, 3 Scented Mistress, 6 Hammie’s Fan
  6. 7 Rosalie Runs, 5 Miss Smarty Pants, 1 Flame Tree, 3 Rattle Mouse, 6 Bold Diva, 4 Jacqueline
  7. 4 Mr Cobbs, 2 Mister Vargus, 3 Skidoo, 7 Dragon Power, 1 No Laying Up, 6 Brave Tiger
  8. 1 Emperors Decree, 7 Fighter, 4 Cape Of Storms, 6 What A Man, 8 Baltimore Jack, 10 Line Of Power

2021-01-23, #Turffontein ,ZA

  1. 5 Gold Griffin, 4 Our Coys (aus), 6 Port Key, 2 Captain Chorus, 1 Fact, 3 Brand New Cadillac
  2. 5 Namib Desert, 1 The Eighth Lord, 4 Tight Five, 3 Purple Panther, 7 Back To Black, 2 Bartholdi
  3. 6 Oscar Wilde, 2 Against The Grain, 8 Royal Escapade, 3 Crank It Up, 4 Wylie Wench, 7 Samurai Jack
  4. 7 Roha, 2 Sacred Lotus, 1 Magical Flight, 4 Swiss Bank, 9 Mode, 3 Toto
  5. 1 Portico, 3 Thumbs Up, 5 Informative, 2 Spring Break, 7 Forever Light, 4 The Sands
  6. 4 Risk Taker, 2 Battleoftrafalgar, 5 All Of Me, 3 Winter Storm, 1 Double ‘o’ Eight, 8 El’ Zara
  7. 6 Baymax, 8 Nartjie, 2 Dr Doolittle, 3 Shah Akbar, 1 Second Base, 7 Al Muthana (aus)
  8. 1 Pin Up, 6 Only The Brave, 7 Traveling Wilbury, 3 Illuminate, 13 Countess Trenton, 14 Mazari
  9. 3 Trend Master, 6 Written In Stone, 7 Convexity, 1 Pidgeon Rock, 2 Rock Of Africa, 8 Liquid

2021-01-22, #Fairview,ZA Experimental Computerised Risk Analysis Bet Structuring, NO GUARANTEES, at this stage testing only. the Selections are in the section below:

  1. 2 Untamed Tiger – P2 R9.00 – Win
  2. 4 Sound Check – P3 – R14.00 – Win
  3. Nothing Selected.
  4. 11 Danilo – P3 R13.00 – Miss
  5. 8 Hit For Six – P4 – R3.00 – Miss
  6. 2 Joyful Noise – P2 – R32.00 – Win
  7. 4 Global Drummer – P4 – R24.00 – Win
  8. 8 Shine A Light – P2 – R2.00 – Win

Total Spent -> R97.00
Expected Return -> R149.68
Expected Profit -> R52.68
Actual Profit ->R 24.90 = 25.67%

I’m currently using Hollywood bets for my yardstick and R100.00 as the cap.

2021-01-22, #Fairview,ZA

The High Probability Selections. These are from the Beta version.

  1. 6 Just So Easy, 2 Untamed Tiger – 1
  2. 4 Sound Check – 3, 3 Pot Sox – 2
  3. 1 Little Drummer Boy – 1, 11 Pharr Out
  4. 11 Danilo – 4, 7 Find Me Unafraid – 1
  5. 8 Hit For Six, 5 Track Attack
  6. 2 Joyful Noise – 1, 7 Vodka Lime – 2
  7. 4 Global Drummer – 2, 5 Tarsus
  8. 7 Mesmerizing Moon – 4, 8 Shine A Light – 2

The Standard Selections:

  1. 7 Just So Easy, 6 Pure Quality, 4 Forbidden Affair, 9 Urban Oasis, 3 Shakshuka, 5 Russian Knight
  2. 1 Jungle Promise, 4 Sound Check, 3 Pot Sox, 6 Waymaker, 2 Music Zone, 5 Vic Falls
  3. 8 Sputnik One, 7 Demonte, 3 Toureiro, 5 Big In Texas, 2 Bravestarr, 4 Mousey On Over
  4. 5 Still Tappin, 1 Mio Grande, 11 Danilo, 9 Mistress Of Means, 12 At The Opera, 2 Scarborough Fair
  5. 10 Arion Express, 8 Hit For Six, 12 Global Canyon, 4 Popsicle Toes, 3 Meeraas, 14 Royal Pursuit
  6. 6 Step Lively, 1 Captain Anne Bonny, 3 Mendocino, 9 Miss Honey, 7 Vodka Lime, 8 Via Sacra
  7. 1 Purple Diamond, 5 Tarsus, 2 Kimberley Star, 3 Sullenberger, 6 Omega Onslaught, 4 Global Drummer
  8. 8 Shine A Light, 6 Sweet Karma, 1 Forest Field, 10 Oh Heavenly, 7 Mesmerizing Moon, 9 Looks Like Magic

2021-01-21, #Vaal ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. These are from the Beta version.

  1. 1 Sonny Quinn, 9 Cephas
  2. 2 Jam Fancy, 13 Ruby Woo
  3. 10 Golden Spoon, 12 Moobheera
  4. 13 Differentiate, 5 Bit Of Fun
  5. 6 Major Winter 8 Ushuaia
  6. 2 Lotus, 1 Senescence
  7. 3 Bend Not Break (ire), 4 Chenopod
  8. 11 Masaaken, 10 Track Commander

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Sonny Quinn, 5 Arran, 2 Lazy Guy, 6 Racing Man, 14 Mandhukai, 10 Grappler
  2. 2 Jam Fancy, 13 Ruby Woo, 1 Princess Sabrina, 3 Broadway Babe, 5 Almalfi Coast, 4 Smelting
  3. 10 Golden Spoon, 3 Meet The Captain, 4 Fluorescent, 2 Aberdare, 7 Sea Island, 1 Sheltering Sky
  4. 13 Differentiate, 2 Passing Shot, 11 Largo Bay, 4 Pomegranate, 1 Inherit The Rain, 3 Sierradeltasierra
  5. 2 Irish Rain, 7 Parallax, 8 Ushuaia, 1 Star Effect, 9 Extravert, 4 Black Thorn
  6. 1 Senescence, 2 Lotus, 6 Suntrax, 7 Destiny Rules, 3 Dutchessburnedette, 8 Brandy
  7. 4 Chenopod, 1 Wishonaire, 5 Grace Lu, 7 Iced Tea, 3 Bend Not Break (ire), 2 Venus Flytrap
  8. 1 Leading Lad, 3 Great Esteem, 2 Ball Rolling, 4 Rockpaperscissors, 5 Nicalex, 7 Captain Cupid

2021-01-20, #Kenilworth, ZA

The High Probability Selections. The consistency is starting to come to the top. Yesterday’s selections also showed good results.

  1. 8 Super Siri – 1, 5 Nippy Winter – 4
  2. 5 Intrepid – 1, 6 Rod The Mod – 2
  3. 5 Kariba Hall – 3, 3 Dubai Lights – 1
  4. 1 Alloway Grove – 2, 9 Path To Go
  5. 7 Camps Bay – 2, 3 De Bull – 1
  6. 1 Dollar Brand – 4, 7 Better Days – 2
  7. 3 August Leaves – 2, 2 Sudden Star – 3
  8. 6 Twicethequality, 1 Follow The Star

The New Beta Version High Probability Selections **
Races 6 & 7 – some changes.

  1. 8 Super Siri – 1, 1 Anything For Love
  2. 5 Intrepid – 1, 6 Rod The Mod – 2
  3. 5 Kariba Hall – 3, 3 Dubai Lights – 1
  4. 9 Path To Go, 1 Alloway Grove – 2
  5. 7 Camps Bay – 2, 3 De Bull – 1
  6. 3 Essos – 1, 2 Paper Trail – 2
  7. 3 August Leaves – 2, 1 Silver De Lange
  8. 6 Twicethequality, 1 Follow The Star

The Standard Selections: Where you will find some possibly high risk, but solid selections.

  1. 8 Super Siri, 1 Anything For Love, 5 Nippy Winter, 3 Homely Girl, 6 Quick Breeze, 7 Royal Oasis
  2. 5 Intrepid, 6 Rod The Mod, 7 Varistocracy, 2 Gimme Royalty, 4 Green Vigilante, 1 Arizona Sky
  3. 5 Kariba Hall, 2 Sailing Lizard, 4 Silver Sky, 3 Dubai Lights, 1 Irish Tractor, 6 Big Thinker
  4. 9 Path To Go, 1 Alloway Grove, 4 Princess Santo, 3 Lady Magenta, 2 Lady Isabella, 10 Silver Steps
  5. 2 Star Captain, 6 Empire Glory, 1 Wordsworth, 9 Jaspero, 7 Camps Bay, 3 De Bull
  6. 2 Paper Trail, 4 Lite Of My Life, 1 Dollar Brand, 6 Bezos, 10 Bright Key, 3 Essos
  7. 3 August Leaves, 7 Savannah Buddy, 2 Sudden Star, 1 Silver De Lange, 6 Cane Lime ‘n Soda, 5 Night Song
  8. 5 Pink Tourmaline, 9 French Declaration (aus), 4 Marina, 6 Twicethequality, 1 Follow The Star, 8 Fynbos

2021-01-19, #Vaal ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability.

  1. 7 So They Say – 1, 6 Ms Flower Power – 3
  2. 4 Your Pace Or Mine – 3, 1 Vars Vicky – 2
  3. 9 Imperial Duke – 2, 4 Deanagelo – 3
  4. 5 Dawn Of A New Era – 1, 1 Blue Spark
  5. 4 Empress Josephine, 1 Wisteria Walk – 1
  6. 1 Glowtoria, 2 Persica
  7. 6 Bold Ransom – 1, 2 Eden Roc – 3
  8. 5 Brooklyn Bridge – 3, 1 Laetitia’s Angel – 2
  9. 10 Lagertha – 3, 2 Samoa – 2

The Standard Selections:

  1. 7 So They Say, 1 Gal Gadot, 6 Ms Flower Power, 3 Riveting, 12 Love Posy, 2 Chloe Girl
  2. 4 Your Pace Or Mine, 1 Vars Vicky, 2 Paisley Park, 3 The Eighth Lord, 6 Somasonic, 5 My Kingdom
  3. 4 Deanagelo, 5 Global Town, 9 Imperial Duke, 1 Light Warrior, 2 Pomegranate, 8 Enigma Code
  4. 2 Nussply, 5 Dawn Of A New Era, 6 Eskimo Pie, 10 Purple Dominance, 1 Blue Spark, 3 Freezing Fast
  5. 1 Wisteria Walk, 6 Birdwatcher, 4 Empress Josephine, 8 Elusive Woman, 7 Sekhmet, 5 Querari Ferrari
  6. 1 Glowtoria, 5 Nina Amelia, 3 The Fifth Wave, 9 Flower Of Scotland, 7 May Queen, 2 Persica
  7. 6 Bold Ransom, 3 Rebel’s Champ, 9 Singfonico, 7 Chief Of State, 4 Prince Of Kahal, 2 Eden Roc
  8. 5 Brooklyn Bridge, 2 Desert Pride, 1 Laetitia’s Angel, 3 Snow Symphony, 4 Bella Black, 7 In Haste
  9. 10 Lagertha, 11 Capitiana, 2 Samoa, 14 Olivia S, 6 Bahlebonke, 9 The Villa Grand

2021-01-18, #Greyville,ZA

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability.

  1. 2 Tenacious Time, 5 Shamoosi
  2. 2 Stone Of Destiny, 3 Morse
  3. 3 Papillion, 8 Emerald Palace
  4. 3 Skyfire, 7 Lady Sharon
  5. 3 Mrs Hotline, 8 Dream Destiny
  6. 2 A Whole New World, 10 Proud Warrior
  7. 10 Hot Money, 8 Freestate Star
  8. 3 Justaguything, 6 Noemi

The Standard Selections:

  1. 3 Alfredo, 2 Tenacious Time, 4 Chakalaka Guy, 10 Just The Wind, 5 Shamoosi, 1 Silver Palace
  2. 3 Morse, 8 Just Dixit, 6 Linnbara, 2 Stone Of Destiny, 11 Fort Wylie, 1 Just Perfect
  3. 8 Emerald Palace, 7 Diamonds And Toads, 9 Maxine Du Monde, 3 Papillion, 10 Frilly Sox, 6 Koala
  4. 10 Santa Vittoria (aus), 6 Pina Colada, 1 Bell Jar, 7 Lady Sharon, 3 Skyfire, 11 Cool Apache
  5. 3 Mrs Hotline, 9 Arrow’s Mark, 4 Truly Wicked, 10 Spring Fling, 6 Roy’s Physco (aus), 8 Dream Destiny
  6. 10 Proud Warrior, 11 Oh Yeah, 2 A Whole New World, 9 King’s Cove, 7 What A Blast, 12 Putchini
  7. 9 Kilvington, 1 To The Max, 8 Freestate Star, 10 Hot Money, 7 Not Now Pussycat, 3 Tupelo Honey
  8. 5 Bravo Zulu, 6 Noemi, 1 Bright Flame, 4 Duran, 3 Justaguything, 9 Charlie-fox

2021-01-17, #Borrowdale ,ZW

  1. 3 Jenny’s Word, 5 Ultra Edge, 2 Hawi, 1 Count Alley, 4 Shesalegend
  2. 3 Mind Master, 1 Jubilee, 6 Delina, 2 Dewali, 4 Black Duke, 5 Bold Australienne (zim)
  3. 2 Cool Solution, 4 Mill Creek, 5 Rose Diamond (zim), 6 Double Dab, 1 Tree Of Wisdom, 3 Kursk (aus)
  4. 2 Varnica, 3 Leprechaun, 1 Golden Lion, 5 Wijdaan, 6 Citrusdal, 4 Fire To The Rein
  5. 2 Three To Tango, 1 Yarraman, 5 Wantage, 4 Zambezi Rapids, 3 Mr Greenlight
  6. 2 Moxie, 5 Red Pollard, 3 Action Jackson, 4 Viscountess Vivien, 6 Diamonds ‘n Rubies, 1 Edward The Seventh (zim)
  7. 2 True Beauty, 4 Mazikeen, 5 Obscure, 3 Suave Judge, 1 Magnus Maximus

2021-01-17, #Scottsville ,ZA

The Standard Selections. There are no High Probability Selections today, busy tweaking and testing the programs.

  1. 2 Stanton Street, 6 Irish Belle, 3 Sugar And Spice, 7 Alwaysonmymind, 5 Battle Of Stirling, 10 Alma Mater
  2. 7 Mr Pigalle, 10 Secret Giver, 13 Techno Savvy, 9 Go Sandals, 8 Sanctity, 11 Princess Maxi
  3. 5 Flymefree, 12 Emerald Isla, 11 Horoscope, 1 Everglow, 10 Kaapse Meisie, 6 Laurel Lane
  4. 10 Command Control, 11 Legislate’s Dance, 12 Grey Linngari, 13 Raiseahallelujah, 8 A Thousand Tunes, 9 Dry Var
  5. 12 Valiente, 1 Light That Loose, 2 Shinnecock, 7 Hampton Court, 8 Di Mazzio (aus), 6 Blaze Of Silk
  6. 1 Scarlet Chill, 3 Diamondsandpearls, 9 Drama Queen, 6 Stelvio, 8 Preferential, 5 Irish Wonder Girl
  7. 1 Baby Shooz, 2 Trip To Africa, 10 Mary O, 7 Blackball, 3 Mr Fitz, 6 Share Holder (aus)
  8. 2 Silent Crusade, 5 Hawker Typhoon, 3 Blush Of Dawn, 6 Linear, 8 Candy Galore, 1 Dieci
  9. 11 Greenlighttoheaven, 7 Brass Bell, 4 Quant Master, 14 Maa Nonu, 13 Kingston Rock, 10 Candyman

2021-01-16, #Kenilworth ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. There are no standard selections today.

  1. 5 Adderbury Lake (gb), 1 Duchess Of Sussex
  2. 4 High Moon, 2 King Saladin
  3. 2 Whatsinadream, 6 Jo Loves
  4. 5 Liberty Hall, 1 Captain Flinders
  5. 4 Salvator Mundi, 2 The Second Wave
  6. 1 Brave New World, 3 Arc Lamp
  7. 6 7 Gertrude Bell, Fiftyshadesdarker
  8. 8 Halliberry, 7 Opera Swing

2021-01-16, #Turffontein ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. There are also no standard selections today.

  1. 6 Warrior Captain, 7 On Cue
  2. 1 Arctic Skyline, 9 Southern Cape
  3. 7 Savannah Storm, 8 Grindelwald
  4. 7 Governors Glory, 2 Smuts
  5. 5 Mauby, 10 In Limbo
  6. 8 Trattoria, 1 Kingsley’s Heart
  7. 1 Franklin, 7 Illuminate
  8. 4 Cordillera, 2 Kayla’s Champ
  9. 1 Chloris, 4 Netta

2021-01-15, #Fairview ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability. Even though the PA did not pay out much, it was in the HP selections yesterday for your enjoyment.

  1. 1 Marry In Haste, 3 Summer Madness
  2. 8 Soho Spirit, 4 Super Noir
  3. 2 Green Dragon, 3 Hawthorn
  4. 2 Barberton Silver, 4 Nippy Sweetie
  5. 5 Bush Fever, 8 Ruby Rhythm
  6. 9 Big Myth (aus), 8 Silver Fountain
  7. 1 Bloom, 2 Herrin
  8. 7 Linda Loves Lace, 11 God Of Thunder

The Standard Selections: Ideal for the exotic bets.

  1. 1 Marry In Haste, 2 Whiffler’s Joy, 3 Summer Madness, 7 Prancing Oscar, 10 Cianna, 4 Leader Of The Pack
  2. 8 Soho Spirit, 7 Wild Earth, 3 Ancient Times, 4 Super Noir, 1 Rebels Reward, 6 Trillionaire
  3. 3 Hawthorn, 5 Mary Moon, 2 Green Dragon, 1 Cruise Along, 6 La Duchesse, 7 Vi Va Pi Pa
  4. 8 King Capone, 1 Seeking Wisdom, 2 Barberton Silver, 5 Purest Bliss, 7 Lord Marshal, 4 Nippy Sweetie
  5. 8 Ruby Rhythm, 1 At The Office, 6 Jurist, 5 Bush Fever, 12 Captain’s Vista, 4 Jackson Pollock
  6. 4 I Love Mambo, 2 Olivine, 1 Dipladenia, 8 Silver Fountain, 9 Big Myth (aus), 7 Ryanair
  7. 1 Bloom, 2 Herrin, 5 Kiss Of Life, 3 Intrepid Traveller, 4 Eternal Hope, 6 Dancing Girl
  8. 7 Linda Loves Lace, 14 The Carpenter, 11 God Of Thunder, 9 Baltic Beat, 1 Microbe

2021-01-14, #Vaal ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability. With this rain that the Vaal has had, I would expect a few upsets. The first few races usually tell me if I am on track or to laugh off the rest of the day.

  1. 2 Inherit The Rain – 2, 12 Successful Ruler
  2. 1 Right Choice – 3, 11 Kissing Booth
  3. 1 Valyrian King – 1, 4 Spring Break – 3
  4. 3 Lily Blue – 3, 1 Shivers – 2
  5. 5 Nebraas – 3, 4 Sell High – 1
  6. 9 Plum Field – 2, 1 Afternoon Tea – 4
  7. 5 Soul Of Wit – 3, 4 Un Deux Trois
  8. 9 Snow In Seattle – All, 4 Bahlebonke – All

The Standard Selections: Ideal for the exotic bets.

  1. 2 Inherit The Rain, 12 Successful Ruler, 3 Harrys Secret, 1 Fort Commander, 10 Karvani, 5 Pomegranate
  2. 1 Right Choice, 11 Kissing Booth, 4 Differentiate, 3 Malvern, 5 Bedouin Bride, 6 Signed And Sealed
  3. 1 Valyrian King, 6 Viper Jet, 2 Garden Party, 3 Slalom Queen, 4 Spring Break, 5 Varina
  4. 3 Lily Blue, 5 Sweet And Spicy, 2 Rouge Allure, 1 Shivers, 7 Smiley River, 4 Pomander
  5. 5 Nebraas, 2 Tyrus Express, 4 Sell High, 6 Our Coys (aus), 1 Set The Standard, 9 Atomic Blonde
  6. 12 Private Ruler, 10 Bravo One, 9 Plum Field, 3 Bitter Wind, 1 Afternoon Tea, 6 Latin Opus
  7. 4 Un Deux Trois, 5 Soul Of Wit, 2 Swiss Bank, 3 Willo’thewisp, 10 Supa Mufti, 6 Big City Girl
  8. 9 Snow In Seattle, 11 Speechmaker, 12 Master Boulder, 4 Bahlebonke, 3 Into The Future, 10 Afriel

2021-01-13, #Scottsville ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability.

  1. 1 Civil Rights, 5 Countess Cartier
  2. 2 Camora, 14 Cafe Pacifica
  3. 9 Quenanza, 1 What A Splash
  4. 2 Alsflamingbeauty, 6 Hugs Accepted
  5. 5 Colour Of Light, 6 Hello Tomorrow
  6. 4 Purple Persuasion, 9 Jackson Wells
  7. 6 Desolate Road, 5 Sniper Shot
  8. 8 East Coast Star, 10 Global Appeal

The standard selections: Ideal for the exotic bets.

  1. 1 Civil Rights, 2 Miss Putin, 5 Countess Cartier, 9 Danse Milord, 11 Nikhil The Great, 4 Chase The Stars
  2. 2 Camora, 13 Masango Machine, 1 Bringbackthemoney, 9 Northern Warrior, 5 Trumpet Voluntary, 14 Cafe Pacifica
  3. 4 Lucy Lu, 9 Quenanza, 1 What A Splash, 8 Empress Ella, 6 Let’s Not Linger, 10 Culture Club
  4. 5 Sanskrift, 6 Hugs Accepted, 2 Alsflamingbeauty, 1 Maussane, 7 She’s A Keeper, 10 Big Sky Country
  5. 11 Palmheart, 6 Hello Tomorrow, 5 Colour Of Light, 7 Sarabi, 1 Soiree, 2 Matadora’s Parade
  6. 10 Alfonse Baby, 4 Purple Persuasion, 9 Jackson Wells, 8 Conchita, 3 Connect Me, 2 Silva Magic
  7. 1 Socrates, 5 Sniper Shot, 6 Desolate Road, 4 Guru’s Pride, 9 Celebration Rock (aus), 7 Tread Swiftly
  8. 2 Kileigh’s Fate, 10 Global Appeal, 8 East Coast Star, 14 Love Of London, 7 Kind Judy, 3 Racey Stacey

2021-01-12, #Vaal ,ZA

Well yesterday was a bit of a disappointment at Fairview. I’m trying not to intervene, but to let the computer build up its own criteria between Fairview’s turf and polytrack. It will most probably need a bit more history.

The High Probability Selections. Once again, the first choice has the highest probability.

  1. 8 White Fang, 9 Wishonaire
  2. 7 Finchatton, 5 Western Fort
  3. 7 Nabeela, 12 Winning Queen
  4. 10 Zabarjad (aus), 1 Major Return
  5. 10 Singfonico, 3 Captain Hindsight
  6. 4 Emerald Tiara, 3 Kings Road
  7. 2 Eagle Alley, 5 Samurai Jack
  8. 13 Tartan Dancer, 6 Soul Of Wit

The standard selections: Ideal for the exotic bets, yesterday’s selections had a few quartets is the mix.

  1. 1 Ball Rolling, 3 Fast Draw, 4 Royal Siege, 2 Attentive, 5 The Sandwich Man, 6 Electra Flying
  2. 2 Seattle Force, 6 Captain Of Tortuga, 3 Duke Of Spin, 5 Western Fort, 7 Finchatton, 4 Full Mast
  3. 7 Nabeela, 11 Piccadilly Square, 12 Winning Queen, 9 Drummer Dude, 2 Palace Green, 13 Pucker Up
  4. 7 Dice The Bullet, 6 Rabia The Rebel, 1 Major Return, 4 Rocky Path, 3 Afraad, 5 Chevron
  5. 1 Before The Dawn, 3 Captain Hindsight, 13 Big Blue Marble, 10 Singfonico, 2 Chief Of State, 7 Epic Dream
  6. 4 Emerald Tiara, 11 Touch Of Fate, 3 Kings Road, 2 Galactic Warrior, 6 Ice Eater, 1 Oden
  7. 2 Eagle Alley, 4 Stormy Winter, 1 War Jewel, 8 Twice The Surge, 5 Samurai Jack, 10 Romeo’s Magic
  8. 6 Soul Of Wit, 13 Tartan Dancer, 14 Fly North, 10 Fresh From The Us, 11 Grindelwald, 5 Heart Of A Legend

2021-01-11, #Fairview ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. No Race 8 Selection, Race 1 also a lower probability.

  1. 2 Isn’t It Bliss, 3 Al’s Lass
  2. 11 Sputnik One
  3. 11 Wings Of Fire
  4. 3 Cerelia
  5. 2 Fly My Flag, 3 Meraki (aus)
  6. 8 Turn It Up Harvey, 11 Moon Game
  7. 7 Delicasea

The standard selections:

  1. 2 Isn’t It Bliss, 12 Que Cosas, 1 Just So Easy, 5 Cinnabar, 6 Hola Chiquita, 7 Sheena Bean
  2. 6 Toureiro, 5 Amazing Tune, 11 Sputnik One, 14 Stepitupbaby, 4 Evies First, 9 Full Score
  3. 11 Wings Of Fire, 1 Modakhar, 6 Homer Fidget, 8 Carlino, 3 Shades Of Blu, 5 Gimme Express
  4. 3 Cerelia, 1 Granadilla, 4 Afleet Flyer, 2 Cyber Security, 10 Bridesmaid Blues, 7 Alaskan Fate
  5. 2 Fly My Flag, 4 Philos, 6 Duke Of Cards, 1 The Highway Man, 5 Beethoven, 3 Meraki (aus)
  6. 1 Thomas Tucker, 11 Moon Game, 4 Para Handy, 8 Turn It Up Harvey, 2 Bold Dreamer, 14 Maldives
  7. 7 Delicasea, 2 Sugar Gum, 3 Ambra, 12 Escape To Vegas, 4 Via Sacra, 1 Travel In Style
  8. 3 Hey Boy, 6 Chainsaw, 4 Torre Del Oro, 1 Sweet Karma, 11 Rock The Cot, 2 Time Stands Still

2021-01-09, #Kenilworth ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. The first option is the Safe option, the second slightly lower probability but more reward. As said these are the safe options that try to guarantee at least a place. The more adventurous normal selections yesterday gave the jackpot as it’s first choice.

  1. 3 Star Captain, 1 Royal Flush
  2. 9 Orange Bowl, 2 Sovereign Rose
  3. 4 Danilo Danilovitch, 8 Kwinta’s Light
  4. 1 Kasimir, 2 Russet Air
  5. 2 Nexus, 3 Hudoo Magic (aus)
  6. 8 Heart Stwings, 1 Queen Supreme (ire)
  7. 3 Belgarion, 1 Rainbow Bridge
  8. 2 Tarantino, 5 Hail Columbia (ire)
  9. 2 Warrior, 5 Greenlightflash
  10. 2 Kampala Campari, 8 Silver De Lange

The standard selections:

  1. 3 Star Captain, 1 Royal Flush, 4 Freedom Park, 8 Real Advisor, 2 Emperors Decree, 6 Pegasus Rock
  2. 2 Sovereign Rose, 9 Orange Bowl, 5 Golden Dah, 4 Bite My Lip, 6 Inbetween Dreams, 1 Cape To Rio
  3. 4 Danilo Danilovitch, 8 Kwinta’s Light, 2 African Rain, 1 Jack Tarr, 3 Chollima, 5 Intrepid
  4. 1 Kasimir, 2 Russet Air, 4 Fabian, 5 King Of Gems, 3 Doublemint, 6 Strathdon
  5. 2 Nexus, 3 Hudoo Magic (aus), 6 Sachdev, 1 Golden Ducat, 5 Vikram, 4 African Night Sky
  6. 11 Chat Ching, 2 Clouds Unfold, 1 Queen Supreme (ire), 9 Sing Out Loud, 4 Miyabi Gold, 3 Silvano’s Pride
  7. 3 Belgarion, 8 Jet Dark, 4 Cirillo, 1 Rainbow Bridge, 2 Do It Again, 5 Silver Operator
  8. 2 Tarantino, 5 Hail Columbia (ire), 7 Real Gone Kid (aus), 3 Al Bragga, 9 Irish Morning, 6 Brave Tiger
  9. 2 Warrior, 5 Greenlightflash, 3 Mhlabeni, 1 King Of The Moment, 4 Dirty Martini, 7 Green Serenity
  10. 2 Kampala Campari, 8 Silver De Lange, 6 Azores, 9 Troop The Colour, 7 Retro Effect, 1 Atyaab (aus)

2021-01-08, #Kenilworth ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. The first option is the Safe option, the second slightly lower probability but more reward.

  1. 1 Winter Mosaic, 6 Rio Supremo
  2. 10 Little Doe, 1 Queen Niyabah
  3. 11 Starboard, 8 Glitter In The Air
  4. 3 Our Prized Jewel, 2 Icon Princess
  5. 1 Love Happens, 3 Majestic Mozart
  6. 1 Sleeping Single (gb), 2 Flame Tree
  7. 1 Celtic Sea, 5 Roll In The Hay
  8. 7 Alpha Pappa, 3 Ticket To Ride

The standard selections:

  1. 1 Winter Mosaic, 7 Seeking Peace, 5 Jewel Of Doha, 6 Rio Supremo, 4 High Hosanna, 3 Global Goddess
  2. 1 Queen Niyabah, 10 Little Doe, 2 Wife Of Windsor, 3 In Your Time, 4 Ohwhatanight, 5 Fly To Rio
  3. 11 Starboard, 4 Duplicity, 3 Our World, 5 Golly Miss Molly, 1 Katie To, 8 Glitter In The Air
  4. 3 Our Prized Jewel, 2 Icon Princess, 4 Queen Of Quiet, 7 Flower Of Saigon, 5 Larentina, 6 Ballroom Bliss
  5. 1 Love Happens, 2 Capoeira, 3 Majestic Mozart, 5 Sir Michael, 7 Northern Song, 6 Fort Agopian
  6. 4 Elusive Fortune, 1 Sleeping Single (gb), 8 Bold Diva, 7 Catchafallingstar, 3 Rattle Mouse, 2 Flame Tree
  7. 1 Celtic Sea, 3 Pretty Young Thing, 5 Roll In The Hay, 6 Hello Winter Hello, 7 Trickster, 2 Third Runway
  8. 9 Alaskan Night, 3 Ticket To Ride, 7 Alpha Pappa, 8 What A Man, 12 Spy, 11 Line Of Power

2021-01-07, #Vaal ,ZA – #Turffontein

The racing has been moved to Turffontein. It is extremely wet and sticky here. Bet with caution!

There are no High probability selections today, I am busy revamping the program.

The standard selections:

  1. 2 Cold Fact, 1 Rollwiththepunches, 5 Arctic Skyline, 3 Naarah, 7 Route Sixty Six, 6 Freedom Of Choice
  2. 5 Chloris, 7 Magical Flight, 4 Kay Tee Perry (arg), 1 Kayla’s Champ, 3 Jacko Boy, 2 Diorama
  3. 1 Dancing Arabian, 3 Theatre Of Dreams, 4 Nyakasanga (zim), 9 Broadway Babe, 2 Cape Diamond, 12 Jam Fancy
  4. 9 Mezuzah, 2 Sonny Quinn, 3 Stormy Seas, 12 Ruby Woo, 1 Imitation Game, 4 Just As Rich
  5. 1 Odd Rob, 2 Captain Chorus, 7 French Leave, 6 Major Return, 8 So Long Spring, 3 Lord Melbourne
  6. 3 Eagle Alley, 6 Ballet Shoes, 1 Cornish Pomodoro, 2 Snow Palace, 5 Walterthepenniless, 4 Dogliotti
  7. 4 Making A Scene, 2 Wolffs World, 9 Bartholomeus, 3 Oyster King, 8 Drummer Dude, 6 Sun Giant
  8. 2 Officer, 11 Parallax, 13 Keepingthepeace, 10 Imperial Duke, 1 Sun Ray, 3 Royal Tiger

2021-01-06, #Greyville ,ZA

The High Probability Selections. The first option is the Safe option, the second slightly lower probability but more reward.

  1. 3 Dandolo, 1 Ziva La Winter
  2. 3 What A Ryder, 5 Look of Eagles
  3. 5 Let’s Go Fly, 11 Silver Celebrity
  4. 8 Rock Flight, 2 Magikos
  5. 3 Gentleman’s Wager, 5 Monarchy
  6. 7 Here Comes the Rain, 9 Bedazzled Joker
  7. 6 Elusive Current, 7 Meet At The George
  8. 1 Bordeaux, 5 Maa Nonu

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Ziva La Winter, 6 Hampton Court, 5 Dancing Feather, 3 Dandolo, 7 Treading Water
  2. 1 Bells And Whistles, 8 West Coast Lover, 10 Storm Chaser, 3 What A Ryder, 7 Just Prime
  3. 10 Story Book, 8 Patronage, 11 Silver Celebrity, 3 Hello Again, 9 August Red, 2 Flying Vision
  4. 8 Rock Flight, 3 Duquesne Whistle, 4 Queen Isabella, 6 Catalyst, 2 Magikos, 1 Ladyofmylife
  5. 8 Techno Captain, 2 Born To Perform, 4 Toltec, 7 Run To Denmark, 5 Monarchy, 9 Pollard
  6. 9 Bedazzled Joker, 3 Lord Wylie, 8 Cool Runnings, 5 Putchini, 4 Running Freely, 6 Living Waters
  7. 6 Elusive Current, 5 Marsanne, 7 Meet At The George, 3 Liquid Irish, 2 Song Of The Forest, 8 Vihaan’s Pie
  8. 2 Leslies Pathtofame, 5 Maa Nonu, 11 Knight Warrior, 7 Dallas, 9 On A High Note, 10 Transonic

2021-01-05, #Vaal, ZA

The High Probability Selections.

  1. 11 Supreme Dance, 1 Eyes On Tiger
  2. 1 Right Choice
  3. 10 Rosaprima
  4. 3 Chloris
  5. 6 Phoenix, 9 Tartan Dancer, 7 Soul Of Wit, 12 Pretty Jolly, 2 Afternoon Tea
  6. 1 Fire Flower, 14 Mazari
  7. 6 Lagertha, 5 Capitiana
  8. 10 Heart Of A Legend, 5 Dogliotti

The Standard Selections:

  1. 11 Supreme Dance, 1 Eyes On Tiger, 5 Deanagelo, 2 Global Town, 3 Lazy Guy, 7 Pomegranate
  2. 1 Right Choice, 6 Signed And Sealed, 3 Courtney Leigh, 7 Bedouin Bride, 2 Meet The Captain
  3. 5 Fateofthefurious, 2 Mode, 4 Purple Shadow, 1 Wonderful Rock, 10 Rosaprima
  4. 3 Chloris, 8 Magical Flight, 2 Castle Durrow, 7 Legal Star, 4 Spice Market
  5. 8 Un Deux Trois, 3 Kapama, 9 Tartan Dancer, 7 Soul Of Wit, 12 Pretty Jolly, 2 Afternoon Tea
  6. 1 Fire Flower, 5 Nabeela, 9 Twice The Act, 13 Countess Trenton, 14 Mazari
  7. 13 West Of Seattle, 1 Touch Of Fate, 7 Florence, 5 Capitiana, 12 Alex The Great, 8 Mr Hugo
  8. 10 Heart Of A Legend, 6 Father Time, 9 Louvain, 8 Brooklyn Bridge, 2 Lets Talk, 7 Shortstop

A New Computer ML testing method:


2021-01-04, #Greyville ,ZA

The High Probability Selections.

  1. 7 Reckless Love – 1, 4 Another Love – 2
  2. 3 Stand By Me (aus), 5 Straight Up – 1
  3. 6 It Must Be Love – 1, 9 Indigo Moon – 2
  4. 4 Colour Of Light – 4, 2 Fort Royal
  5. 4 Sarabi, 5 Seen The Light
  6. 8 To The Max – 1, 7 Noble Princess – 3
  7. 10 Two Of Us, 8 Global Ash – 1
  8. 4 Ferrari Ice, 11 Star Over Capetown

The Standard Selections:

  1. 5 Dancing Sword, 7 Reckless Love, 2 Fateful Mistress, 6 Ventriloquist, 1 Koala, 3 Star Choice
  2. 11 Sea Sponge, 5 Straight Up, 3 Stand By Me (aus), 6 Viking Red, 8 Al Jackman, 1 King’s Cove
  3. 9 Indigo Moon, 2 Two For Tea, 6 It Must Be Love, 4 Mystery Trip, 8 Wave Crest, 10 Born A Lady
  4. 2 Fort Royal, 4 Colour Of Light, 12 Foxy Lady, 3 First Sighting, 9 Cersei, 7 Rainbow Unicorn
  5. 2 Bravo Zulu, 5 Seen The Light, 1 Dallas, 4 Sarabi, 10 Bright Flame, 8 Pacific Winter
  6. 5 Kilvington, 12 Gingerspathtoglory, 3 Irish Pearl, 2 Lady Sharon, 10 Rachel, 8 To The Max
  7. 1 King Julian, 10 Two Of Us, 7 Roy’s Physco (aus), 8 Global Ash, 5 The Appeal, 3 Oh Yeah
  8. 12 Prince Jordan, 3 Phil’s Power, 7 Grande Maestro, 6 Putchini, 2 Leslie Shadowliner, 4 Ferrari Ice

2021-01-03, #Greyville,ZA

The High Probability Selections.

  1. 5 Global Glory, 2 Crimson Causeway
  2. 14 Mystery Boy, 6 Linnbara
  3. 14 Shastina, 12 Bell Jar
  4. 7 Tread Swiftly, 6 Sea Master
  5. 2 Spydas Corner, 4 Winter Chill
  6. 7 Deep Thought, 8 Whizz Of Odds
  7. 3 Vernichey, 5 Traces (aus)
  8. 10 The Bayou, 8 Sovereign Soldier

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Extract, 8 Crested Eagle, 3 Thusvir, 5 Global Glory, 6 Opening Shower, 9 Celestial Magma
  2. 8 Mystic Master, 5 Master George, 14 Mystery Boy, 11 Dark Fate, 3 Sonjador, 13 Stone Of Destiny
  3. 12 Bell Jar, 14 Shastina, 2 Janice’s Secret (aus), 10 Trip To Freedom, 4 Skyfire, 8 Jamaica Bay
  4. 6 Sea Master, 5 Ralph The Rascal, 3 Full Blast, 1 Jack’s Bird, 8 Avenir, 7 Tread Swiftly
  5. 1 Ad Altisima, 4 Winter Chill, 6 Kingston Rock, 2 Spydas Corner, 8 Goliath Heron, 7 Brazil Nut
  6. 7 Deep Thought, 9 Dieci, 6 Late Night Live, 8 Whizz Of Odds, 3 Wildly In Love, 4 Solar Flare
  7. 3 Vernichey, 5 Traces (aus), 8 Great Shaka, 7 Filippo, 4 Enjoy The View, 1 Coldhardcash
  8. 10 The Bayou, 13 Admiral’s Guest, 2 All The Way Up, 7 Euphoric, 8 Sovereign Soldier, 6 Walton Hall

2021-01-03, #Borrowdale ,ZW

  1. 2 Tectonic, 3 Jenny’s Word, 1 Hawi, 5 Tip To Tap, 4 Shesalegend
  2. 1 Wijdaan, 3 Mazikeen, 7 Jardin, 2 In Good Time, 5 Boatswain (aus), 4 Riptide
  3. 7 Viscountess Vivien, 3 Fortuna Doro, 6 Targaryen Queen, 5 Milford Sound, 4 Vforvictory, 1 Deposition
  4. 3 Seattle Swift, 1 Master Futura, 4 Jenny Bee, 5 Rocquette, 6 Madam Kootenay, 2 Secrecy
  5. 1 Bugatti Blue, 2 Butchie Boy, 3 Horseplay, 5 Flapjack, 7 Hold The Biscuit, 4 Over Sharing
  6. 3 Haga Haga, 7 Bushman (zim), 9 Farm Yard Tractor, 11 Crown Brewed, 8 Centre Stage, 4 Prescott
  7. 1 Gladstone, 4 What A Dandy, 2 Christofle, 5 Love To Bluff, 3 Verdier, 6 Golden Lion

2021-01-02, #Kenilworth ,ZA

The High Probability Selections.

  1. 2 Wordsworth, 9 Preemptive Strike
  2. 1 Captain Who, 5 Hikaru
  3. 2 Night Song, 3 Half and Half
  4. 4 Dark Crystal, 1 Boomps A Daisy
  5. 3 Kunming, 2 Black Silver
  6. 5 Silver Sabre, 3 Springisintheair
  7. 1 More Magic, 3 Pinkerton, 2 Captain Of Stealth
  8. 8 Adios Amigos, 9 Legitimate

The Standard Selections:

  1. 2 Wordsworth, 9 Preemptive Strike, 1 Captain Dizzy, 3 Superior Leader, 5 Raio, 4 Legitimise
  2. 1 Captain Who, 2 Bumrah, 4 Picture The Moment, 5 Hikaru, 6 Firstamongequals, 3 Mr Frostie
  3. 7 Six Hills Giant, 5 Winter Shadow, 4 Meliora, 1 Sailing Lizard, 6 Warrior Bling, 2 Night Song
  4. 5 Capitana, 4 Dark Crystal, 1 Boomps A Daisy (aus), 2 On Captain’s Side, 7 Sonic Burst, 6 In A Huff
  5. 1 So Flawless, 2 Black Silver, 6 Two Pennies, 3 Kunming, 5 Winter’s Awakening, 8 Apache Dream
  6. 5 Silver Sabre, 6 Rain In Newmarket, 9 Major Attraction, 3 Springisintheair, 1 Miss Smarty Pants, 8 Moroccan Flame
  7. 2 Captain Of Stealth, 3 Pinkerton, 1 More Magic, 5 Noir’s Boy, 6 Via Salaria, 7 Jailhouse Rock
  8. 8 Adios Amigos, 9 Legitimate, 11 Lucky Dancer, 13 Fateful, 7 Fort Red, 1 All Lit Up

2021-01-02, #Turffontein ,ZA

The High Probability Selections.

  1. 7 Castle Corner, 1 Leading Lad
  2. 10 Namib Desert, 8 Double Martini
  3. 4 Euro Cent, 11 Say When
  4. 2 Rock Of Africa, 3 Push Off (ire)
  5. 2 War Of Athena, 1 Anything Goes
  6. 1 Catch Twentytwo, 2 Mk’s Pride
  7. 2 Barahin, 8 Jet Start
  8. 4 Victor Lazlo, 8 Pamushana’s Pride
  9. 7 Lotus, 5 Bend not Break

The Standard Selections:

  1. 1 Leading Lad, 2 Shadow Creek, 5 Fast Draw, 3 Attentive, 7 Castle Corner, 4 Star Effect
  2. 4 Wildeye, 10 Namib Desert, 2 Manterio, 1 Red Bishop, 11 Tuscan Light, 8 Double Martini
  3. 11 Say When, 10 Emerald Floe, 3 Dawn Of A New Era, 4 Euro Cent, 6 Inherit The Rain, 1 Fists Of Fire
  4. 3 Push Off (ire), 5 Namaqualand, 7 River Jordan, 6 Starflash, 2 Rock Of Africa, 1 Dan The Lad
  5. 2 War Of Athena, 3 Sentbydestiny, 1 Anything Goes, 5 Caralluma, 4 Gee For Go, 6 Only The Brave
  6. 7 Eliud, 1 Catch Twentytwo, 2 Mk’s Pride, 4 Copper Mountain, 3 Fire And Ice, 6 Flying Carpet
  7. 4 Chijmes, 2 Barahin, 6 Running Brave, 5 Green Haze, 7 Expressfromtheus, 8 Jet Start
  8. 4 Victor Lazlo, 2 Gimmethegoahead, 5 Cairon, 12 The Brass Way, 9 Liberado (nz), 7 Trooper
  9. 7 Lotus, 8 Fort Snow, 9 Watching Closely, 3 Flower Season, 1 Super Duper, 13 Maple Sugar

2021-01-01, #Fairview,ZA

The High Probability Selections First. There has been a few tweaks to the program so this is more a test, no guarantees! As usual, the highest probability first.

6 Old Glory, 7 Silent Observer
1 Chai, 3 Bad Reputation
13 Que Cosas, 3 What A Flight
4 Golden Chance, 3 Hey Boy
7 Aqua Delta, 9 Torio Lake
6 Find Me Unafraid, 4 Latest Craze
9 Wallis Simpson, 10 Gimme Gimme Gimme
2 Let’s Blaze, 11 Danilo

The Normal Selections:

6 Old Glory, 4 Wylie Winx, 7 Silent Observer, 2 Agrademarmalade, 5 Zacpack Assassin, 3 South Sandwich
1 Chai, 2 Billi Ann, 6 Soho Spirit, 4 Star Ruby, 3 Bad Reputation, 5 Cape Batis
13 Que Cosas, 5 With Our Blessing, 3 What A Flight, 7 Stepitupbaby, 2 Autumn Sky, 9 Whiffler’s Joy
4 Golden Chance, 3 Hey Boy, 1 God Of Thunder, 8 Oh Heavenly, 11 Sweet Karma, 9 Cider
1 Sullenberger, 7 Aqua Delta, 9 Torio Lake, 3 What A Winner, 2 Tarsus, 8 Miss Honey
6 Find Me Unafraid, 4 Latest Craze, 3 Dai Ichi, 7 Nixon, 14 Beyond Temtation, 5 Tiger In The Sun
9 Wallis Simpson, 1 Luna Wish, 2 Sailing Ship, 4 Carioca, 3 Helen’s Ideal, 10 Gimme Gimme Gimme
2 Let’s Blaze, 5 Mary Lee, 4 Lion King, 11 Danilo, 12 Oasis Queen, 10 Up Early